Frequently Asked Questions

What if I’m GBS+ ?

GBS, or Group Beta Strep, is a bacterium pregnant people are tested for during pregnancy. If you are positive for this bacterium it IS safe to consume your placenta. A positive for GBS is not an active infection.

If you or baby has an infection at the time of birth or 24 hours after then it is NOT safe to consume your placenta. In that case you will need to notify me and we will discuss our other options.

What if there is meconium present at birth?

This is not a problem! Meconium is NOT an infection and does not effect the safety of consumption.

How do I keep my placenta if I’m delivering at the hospital?

I recommend you tell your provider before delivery day, “I will be taking my placenta home after delivery”, and then verbally tell the staff day of as well. There will be a form you have to fill out.

You do not have to disclose why you are taking it home.

In the state of Texas you have a legal right to take your placenta home with you.

What if I have a cesarean or medicated birth?

This is not a problem! Your placenta is still able to processed and consumed safely.